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But First ...

"Prepare for departure" the pilot announced over the loudspeaker. Holding on to the rails of my seat, I took a deep inhale. "Oh, how I dislike departures," I thought to myself letting my breath exhale slowly. It's the rubber leaving the pavement that makes my faith leap every time I board a flight.

Hey friend, it's been a while, I know. The last we shared a blog was at the beginning of last year, 2022. I do plan to pick up where I left off, however, not quite in the same way. Oh, friend, there's so much to share; encounters from the Lord, dream prophecies coming to pass, new prophetic visions, enlightenments, visitations from The Lord, and more. But first, I think an apology is in order. Wouldn't you agree?

At the beginning of 2022 I sorta kinda got ahead of myself. Have you ever heard the saying, "putting the carriage before the horse?" Let's just say that's exactly what happened last year. Moment of truth, I became incredibly hardhearted towards people and struggled with unforgiveness. I lost my focus on ministry altogether, and if I'm really honest, I contemplated continuing in my calling. I had tainted glory. And for a moment I drifted from the will of God because of all that I began to hide in my heart. So, I sat down blogging and teaching and took a sabbatical for several months. Still rising early morning seeking The Heart of The Father, worshipping, and meditating on scriptures, I took a much-needed rest in His presence. Summer came and I spent some quality time with my family. I encountered the faithfulness of God in a way I've never experienced before. I even got back into the swing of things, running 5K's, having spa dates, nature walks - talking about a refresher. 2022 was a very relaxing year for me to say the least.

Then something BEGAN to happen...

You know that thing called purpose? Well, it began to tug at me during the latter months of 2022. And the tugging just wouldn't go away. Believe me, I tried to ignore the tug, but it just wouldn't stop. The more I tried to ignore the tugging, the harder it nagged at me. I began to ponder in my heart my purpose and all The Lord had charged me to do. My blog, zoom course, and Facebook live prayer and teachings. See, here's the thing about purpose, it will seek you out. You can't hide from it; you can't run from it. It will not let you rest until you surrender unto it. When you know, you know. Maybe you have a purpose to lead, you cannot fit in and sit idle with the crowd. Or you have a call on your life to help, you can't turn a deaf ear to the needs of others. The call that's been mandated upon my life to teach, encourage, edify, and minster "relationship" wouldn't let up and friend, I'm glad it didn't.

And to make matters any BETTER, I received a visitation from The Lord. Looking back on that encounter, that was the push that I needed to get back to my purpose, ministry. The words that The Lord spoke to me were so encouraging, and to this day I still meditate on them. "Why would you ever think that I would leave you ..."

After that encounter, a new confidence began to flood my soul. If there was any uncertainty or questioning of my calling before that visitation, it went away. If there was any questioning of my assignment before then, it was now a memory.

Then there's January, a total REFORMATION occurred. One I didn't think I needed and never saw coming. A transformation and remodeling took place in the depths of my heart. I humbly allowed the hand of God to purge me. I became free from bitterness, unforgiveness, vengeance, and resentment. I look back at that moment my heart had a standoff with the power of God, and it didn't stand a chance. Afterward, I relinquished my stand of pride and repented. Friend, oh how embarrassed I was to come to the knowledge of all that was mustering in my heart. It was then that I just wanted to get it right. Right with the Father, right with my ministry, right with those that I had written off, right with those that I resented and hadn't forgiven.

Some of you would email me in regard to the next blog post and I wouldn't respond. My heart wasn't in the right standing with God to continue in ministry, forgive me. However, I am well now, *insert star eyes emoji* annnnnnd I CAN NOT wait to share all that the Lord has done and is doing. That is since I've had a great change of heart. So, tell me, how was your 2022? Any change of heart for you friend? How did you bring in The New Year? With family? At church? Are you crossing off that bucket list? I want to hear from you.

Jesus Is Just That Good,

Pamelia Walker

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