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Dream #3 Melodies of Heaven

Eyes still close shut, I reached around my bed for my phone until I found it, only for the battery to be dead. "Ugh!" I complained. "I forgot to plug my phone into the charger, again." Sitting up, I couldn't help but smile as Evelyn lay sprawled at the foot of my bed. "No matter how tight I tuck this little girl in at night, she seems to always find her way back into my room and bed somehow," I thought to myself. Careful not to arouse her, I eased out of bed and tiptoed to the door, setting off for the dining room, to the nearest clock. "2:02 AM" the alarm system highlighted. Relieved that I still had a couple of more hours to rest, I carefully climbed back into bed, threw my face into my pillow, and immediately went into a dream.

In The Dream ...

It's Sunday service at church. I was at the altar on bended knees in deep worship, when I was interrupted by my Pastor with a motion to take the microphone. "Here" handing me the mic smiling, "worship." Hesitant, I took the microphone and began to sing and what came out of my mouth surprised me.

This beautiful heavenly language began to fill the room, and this golden glow (the presence of God) began to sweep through the sanctuary. The weight of God's Glory was so heavy, even in the dream, that I felt drunk in the spirit, swaying from side to side. Everyone in the room began to join in worship and praise and sway in the spirit.

End of Dream ...

I didn't give my dream too much thought until Sunday morning while sitting in the pews waiting for worship service to begin. It was as if The Spirit of The Lord all at once reminded me of the dream He gave me the night before. I knew then, that today would be a glorious day in The Lord.

Worship service took place just as I dreamt. I felt led to go to the altar and bow before The Lord and while doing so, I was handed the microphone to worship ... and worship I did.

I do not recall how long I was in worship before the congregation, but for a moment, everyone in the sanctuary disappeared, and I completely lost myself in His presence. I envisioned myself sitting at His feet in my prayer closet, basking in His presence, bathing Him with my praise and worship, and becoming submerged in His goodness. "You are Lord, You are King, You are Savior," I declared into the mic, "You are The One True Living God. You are Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai. You are my Shalom" ... I started worshipping standing, however, I ended it, kneeling.

Friend, The Father is looking for such to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. He's calling for "the extension of voices unto Him" and may that be you? Worship is intimacy. It's in your worship that a marvelous work is taking place within your heart and life. As you lift your voice and allow The King of Glory to penetrate your being, may that bow-downed head be lifted, that sorrow turns into joy, that discontentment turns into contentment, that bruised heart of yours become whole. Worship shifts your focus, well at least it did for me. I often tell others that when you worship instead of worry, that's when The Lord comes in and meddles in your business. Make worshipping The King of Glory a priority and He will make your desires His priority. Might I add that worship is a powerful weapon of warfare against the enemy.

I like to worship at the beginning of my day and at times throughout the day. I worship while cleaning, in the shower, and when I'm traveling, running errands. While typing this very blog I have the television on loud and vibing along to the worship songs. When I'm feeling blue, I worship, when I'm feeling joyful, I worship. When I'm frustrated, overwhelmed, and facing adversity, I turn on my worship, lift my head and beautify The Holy One with words of adoration. When I'm feeling thankful and want to be close to The Lover of My Soul, I love on Him through my worship and praise. "In His presence is fullness of Joy at His right-hand pleasures forever more." Worship is a lifestyle.

My prayer is that you will keep a song upon your heart, as well friend. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to The Lord." (Colossians 3:16) Let your worship come up before Him as a sweet-savory aroma. Did you know that The Father inhales your presence as you worship? Take a look at Noah in Genesis. After coming off the Ark after 40 days and 40 nights, He had this deep desire to be close to The Father (which I don't blame Him) and accompany His presence. "Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And The Lord smelled a soothing aroma (worship). Then The Lord said in His heart, I will never again curse the ground for man's sake ... nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done." There, by Noah deciding to worship it moved The Heart of The Father to make such a vow, a promise, that still stands thousands and thousands of years later.

Worship ... let Him hear the melodies of your heart.

Jesus Is Just That Good,

Pamelia Walker

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